Innovative efficiency, need they say more? They pride themselves in delivering top quality service to their clients clients in a unique and innovative manner.
Their mission is to help their small business clients to develop and grow into substantial contributors to the economy and to assist the medium – to large businesses to manage their entities in a way that ensures sustainable growth.
The Project required a complete make-over of the Brand. Professional, Friendly and Effective; a Brand that needed to be strong. The following elements was updated:
Brand Design (Includes a Logo and Brand Manual), Business Cards, Website, Social Media (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter graphics), Email Signatures, Stationary (Letterhead and PPT Presentation), Tax Offer Special Posters, Business Profile, Vehicle Branding, Office Design, Branded Outdoor Systems & Banners and Branding of Calendars. This Project is on going and I’m very exited about the projects lined up for the future.
Flaming Cherry Design on Issuu – Anovate Logo & Brand Guidelines – Flaming Cherry Design – All rights reserved @ 2015-2017