Infinite Africa Brand & Logo Design Project

Don’t just travel…Infinite Africa is a Inbound Tour Operator based in Nelspruit, South Africa. They are passionate about Africa and would love to show you why so many travelers rate Africa as a top destination and why so many come again and again. They offer a full range of travel services throughout the region and have knowledgeable, experienced staff standing by to assist you with information and planning your dream African experience.
Inspiration for the Logo was sourced from the ocean, the nautilus Shell. The Nautilus is a nocturnal creature and spends most of its time in the great depths of the ocean. The Nautilus shell, lined with mother-of-pearl, grows into increasingly larger chambers throughout its life and so has become a symbol for expansion and renewal. It is the most inspiring and energetic form known to human kind. It is also the perfect paradox – having survived relatively unchanged for millions of years.
The Brand colours is warm and energetic – like the experience of Africa would offer. I love the room this Brand leaves to offer. Can’t wait for the next stages to unravel. I have a few projects lined up for the growth of Infinite Africa! Don’t miss the stages to come – Carelia Kühn

This Project is completed! Follow this link to view the end result – Flaming Cherry Design – All rights reserved @ 2016